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will dance for bail fuld donations


Cash bail criminalizes race and poverty, disregards the presumption of innocence, and dismantles families and communities. Ending this wealth-based caging of legally innocent people is one of the most important civil rights and racial justice issues of our time.

In August 2021, after Lil Nas X released Industry Baby and announced the Bail X Fund, I said that I’d post a vid of me dancing and give a shoutout to whoever sends me a screenshot confirming a donation to the fund. In addition to the shoutout, I follow back the donor on TikTok and/or Instagram. I never expected it to become a thing, but it has!

Because TikTok messages don’t allow for attaching screenshots, people initially were direct messaging me screenshots via Instagram or Twitter, but I’ve created a form to help streamline the process.

Finally, because the Mississippi Bail Fund Collective is doing amazing work in Mississippi, I decided to extend the same offer for proof of donations to the MS Bail Fund.

how we doin'?

As of September 27, 2022, more than $6,000* has been raised for the Bail X Fund and the MS Bail Fund! In addition to that, two people have donated more than $200 to other bail funds, and that's cool too.

Bail Project MS Bail Fund other total
Aug. $184.74 - $6.00 $190.74
Sep. $566.71 $376.51 - $943.22
Oct. $436.10 $625.00 - $1,061.10
Nov. $670.81 $454.00 $16.00 $1,140.81
Dec. $1,657.70 $175.00 $47.50 $1,880.20
Jan. $158.90 - $15.00 $173.90
Feb. - - $15.00 $15.00
Mar. $92.00 - $15.00 $107.00
Apr. 2022 - - $15.00 $15.00
May 2022 $25.00 $60.00 $15.00 $100.00
June 2022 - - $15.00 $15.00
July 2022 $100.00 $25.01 $15.00 $140.01
Aug. 2022 $70.00 $280.00 $15.00 $365.00
Sep. 2022 $140.00 $25.00 $15.00 $180.00
total $4,101.96 $2,020.52 $204.50 $6,326.98*

*Eight donations were of an unknown ammount. A nominal $0.01 value was attributed to each of them.