police violence
shock tactics
In August 2017, Reuters published Shock Tactics, an investigative series on the use of Tasers in US law enforcement. As of December 2019, the project has documented "at least 1,081 U.S. deaths following use of Tasers, almost all since the weapons began coming into widespread use in the early 2000s." Here are the 17 cases from MS included in their database.
The interactive map of all U.S. deaths is available here.
the counted
The Counted was a project of the Guardian to count the number of people killed by law enforcement officers in the U.S. throughout 2015 and 2016. According to The Counted, about 1,100 people were killed by law enforcment each year. Below is the
data limited to people killed by law enforcement officers in Mississippi in 2015 and 2016.
For more on the project and related reporting, click here. For access to all of the data, click here.
fatal force
Another trusted resource is Washington Post's Fatal Force. Although it ony tracks people shot and killed by law enforcemnt in the U.S., while other projects tracking police violence have fizzled out in the five years since Ferguson, as of December 2019, Fatal Force is still regularly updated.
The database is limited in the sense that it only tracks deaths resulting from gunshot(s), but the project tracks several other important variables. All four years of data are available here.